The EMG 40HZ, is our passive Extended series pickup for 5 string bass. This modern passive model features a humbucking design for low noise and plenty of output.

Using ceramic bar magnets with steel, the tone is warm with a smooth attack and a big mid-range response. This pickup uses an extended housing that is 4 inches (102mm).

EMG 40HZ - Captador Humbucker para Baixo 5 Cordas

Atenção, última peça!
EMG 40HZ - Captador Humbucker para Baixo 5 Cordas R$835,00
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Meios de envio

  • Tone Master Praça Saiqui, 70, Vila Valqueire - Rio de Janeiro - Atendimento de Segunda à Sexta, de 10h às 19h e aos Sábados de 8h às 13h.

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The EMG 40HZ, is our passive Extended series pickup for 5 string bass. This modern passive model features a humbucking design for low noise and plenty of output.

Using ceramic bar magnets with steel, the tone is warm with a smooth attack and a big mid-range response. This pickup uses an extended housing that is 4 inches (102mm).